Mission Beach Block 119 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 119 CARD 1.tif MlSSION BEACH BLOCK 119- CARD /11 ~l Lot D- Permit to May Wiley Petersen to const apt above exist 2 car carport, making 3 units, all units with 36" access, 719 Kingston Ct. Res. 7483 6-10-53 / Lot H- Permit DENIED to Wm. H. & Mabel E. Brown to const gar with apt above making total cover of 6li where 50'1, is perm at 722 Kennebeck, Ct., R-4 but 60'1, cover APPROVED. c-1113 4-8-57 Lot H- Permit to Thomas L. & Judyth M. Cash & Margaret E. Easterbrook to const sin fam / res over two gar making total of 2 units, & making total cov of 60'1, where 50'1, cov is perm at 722 Kennebeck Ct., Zone R-4. C-5433 2-1-63 Lot G- Permit to Harry c., Jr., & Bernice Van Buren to add 2 bedrooms & bath over exist / gar att to exist sin fam res; second story addn to cantilever 4 1 & result in 52,33i coverage where 50'1, is perm at 726 Kennebeck ct. betw Strandway & Mission Blvd., Zone R-4. condl c-6290 2-3-64 Lot B- Z.A. tia cou14end tbe req ot Robert a Afton Bencn to coraatr a 3-un1t apt blAg. ob l2' front yd wure 15' 1 Nq reultiag ill approx m cov vbere ~ 1 pen, to v prov14e parking epacau at rear vitn 20' turnarouncl tor 3 pace vnere 21' 1 req in 700 Blk lCioptoD et betw IUaion mva and Struchray. Zone--~;; &DIil bu DIIDD tbe req vitb exception ot tu 5~ coverage vnicb vu.APPROUD. c-10535 6-16-71---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------