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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 128

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 128.tif MISSION BEACH I BLOCK 128 Lots F & G- Permit to Teresa M. Hayward to constr apt house obs 7' setback on Lot G &_lO'_setback_on_Lot_F;_San_Luis_Obispo_near_Barside_Lane._____ Res._No._2641___ 11-5-47_____ Lots F & G- 6 mos. Ext. on Res. 2641 ABOVE to Teresa M. Hayward. Res. No. 3109 5-5-48 Lots F & G- Permit to Howard A. & Martha Williams to constr duplex w/7 1 setback on San Luis Obispo at Bayside Lane. Res. No. 7919 11-25-53 Lots F&G- Permit to Ruth W. Wi Ison, Owner; Peter Heinig, Purchaser Agent, at N.W. Corner San Louis Obispo Pl & Bayside Lane, Zone R-S, to constr 3-story 4-unit apt bldg on parcel of 4,650 sq ft where 4800 is req. Condit. C-16025 6/12/79----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I S') l.-/1...1 /, tor~