Mission Beach Block 130 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 130 CARD 1.tif Card /11 \ Lot C- Permit to Mrs. O.L. Edwards to erect res vith 10' SB from prop line on Bayside,/ Walk.. Res. 65973 5-18:-37---------------------------------------------------\--------------------------------- Lot A- Permit to Martin w. Light to bld gar with no'{!B on Bayside Lane on SEly cor of Liverpool Ct. & Bayside Lane. '---. Res. 5563 5-31-51 Lot A- Permit to Martin w. Light to bld gar vith no aideyd on SEly cor of Liverpool & Bayside Lane. Res. 5564. 5-31-51 Lot B- Permit DENIED to E.E. & Gladys Thompson to const duplex vitb stairway leading to 2nd floor to obs 6" sideyd, on E side of Bayside Lane betw Liverpool Ct. & Lido Ct. Res. 8639. 12-8-54- Lot C- Permit to Harry & Orpha Edwards to const 2 bedrm apt above exist sin fam res & gar covering 6~ of lot (501, perm) at 3434 Bayside Walk R-4 zone. C-3214..., 3-25-60 Lot B- Permit to McKee Const Co. to const 2 story triplex with 3 carports resulting in approx 601, coverage of lot wllere max 501, is perm on Bayside Lane, R-4 zone. c-6833 12-4-64 Lot B- Permit to McKee Const Co to const 5 story, 4 unit apt bldg witb prkg under, with 591, lot cover & bldg obs 5' sideyd with columns obs 3' sideyd on Sly lot line & 6 1 hi storage cupboards obs O' side yd on Bly lot line where 501, is perm & 6 1 sideyd is req (see c-6833) on Bayside Ln, betw Liverpool Ct. & Lido Ct., Zone R-4, condl rv 1 l yr ext to exp 10-14-66 (10-14-65) c-6958 2-18-65 J