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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 137 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 137 CARD 1.tif BL6CK 137 Lot "A"- Permit to A.H. to make and Bayside Walk on por of Lot 11A11 with line. "r-----....-, rrARir u1 addition to existing house on Manhattan Court C\.. 5' rear yard and por of the bldg on the property Res. No. 289, 5/27/43 Lot C- Permit to Raymond F. Leber to const a 3-unit court with a 3' access court, Bayside Walk, 54' north of Liverpool Court. Res. No. 2590 10/22/47-------------~---------------------- Lot B- Application for Mrs. Mgt. Casner TABLED, 4/17/59, to add bath & convert exist gar on Bayside Lane into sing fam res obs O I side yard (3 1 req), the exist dwell on Bayside Walk obs 8 1 SB (10 1 req), 3462 Bayside Walk, Zone R-4. Case No. 2434 Lot C- Permit to Theodore C. & Orionna remove exist 74 sq. ft. laundry rm & const 60 sq. ft. bathrm addn at rear and 52 sq. ft. open 2nd floor balcony addn to front, two-story, 2-unit dwelling facing Bayside Walk & resulting in 56.6% lot coverage where total lot coverage of 50% is perm; laundry rm to be removed from structure with one unit obs 3 1 access court perm by Res. No. 2590 where 10 1 is req at 3460 Bayside Walk betw Liverpool Ct. & Manhattan Ct., Zone R-4, condl. Case No. 6640.. 7/30/64----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot D- Z. A. considered the app of Raymond & J. A. Leber, owners; Thad E. & Stella Maziarz, purch. to convert exist sing farn res into duplex & const 1 living unit over exist house & att.gar making a total of 3 liv units on par w/3 exist off-st. park spaces; exist house & carport obs 0 1 st. side yd. on Liverpool Ct., where 8 1 st. sideyd is req & exist gar & addn totobs 0 1 Csid~yd where L. 1xtside_yd is req; exist lot cov is 7).~ & addn will result in 75.3% lo----- ont1-nued on ne page