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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 142 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 142 CARD 1.tif "'-II,.. MISSION J3EACH BLOCK 142 I------\,cr-CARD #1 ~ Lot D ~ Permit to Antoinette & Fred Neyenesch to constr 3rd living unit & 4 gar w/3 1 side yd; No. side El Carmel betw Ocean Front & Strandway. Res. No. 6o71 12-12-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot D- Permit to R. S, Murray, Jr. to convert garage to bath & sleeping rm w/3' side yd; 710 Carmel Place. Case No. 219 4-20-55.Lot D- Permit DENIED by ZA to ROBERT J. CASTRO to construct a three-story, four-unit building, (1) observing at the closest point an 8 1-611 setback on El Carmel Place where 15' is required; and (2) to observe a 5' interior yard on each side where 5'-5" is required, at 702 El Cannel Place, Zone R-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DJSTRtCT.) c-17698 8-6-82 Lot E- Permit was considered by ZA to ROBERT J. CASTRO to remodel existing one-story, single-family dwelling and two-story, three-unit apartment building into a three-story, four-unit apartment bull ding with (1) stairway observing a 12 1 front yard and building observing a 15' front yard on El Carmel Place where 15' front yard and vertical offset of 3' extending the full height of the building is required when the building is over 30' wide; (2) observing a 3' interior side yard where 5'-~' is required (existing building observes a 3' interio-r side yard); (3) to maintain four compact car off-street parking spaces in required 1 15~ streeat side yard adjoining El Ca. rmel Place where the yard,- an scare, Is required to be 100"/o,and {4 a terations to exceed 50"/o of its assessed value where a maximum of 50% is permitted, located at 702 El Carmel Place, Zone R-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED (l) buir-ding observing (CONTINUED ON CARD #2)