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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 145

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 145.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 145 Lot B- Permit to John W. & Margaret B, Porter to const a 3 unit apt bldg, 1 unit to be served by a 6 1 partially covered access ct., structure to cover 6r,f, of lot, bldg to obs 4 1 SB from Bayside Lane, where 10' un-obstructed access court & 15' SB are req & 5rl1, cover is perm, on E side of Bayside Lane, betw El Carmel Pl. & Monterey ct., Zone R-4. c-4135 & 36 6-14-61 Lots C & D- Permit DENIED Robt Lowry & Shirlee R. Smith & C. Angus & Margaret L. Smith (in trust with Title Ins) own to eonst 16 unit, 4 story apt bldg witn penthouse; bldg to obs 4 1 side yd & 7 off st park spaces (9 addn spaces to be provided across Bayside Lane) where 6 1 side yd & 1 off-street parking place for each unit is req, N side El Carmel Pl., Zone R-4. c-6114 & 6124 12-12-63 Lots C & D- Permit to Title Ins. to const 5 story, 12 unit apt bldg obs O' st. sideyd from El Carmel Pl. wnere 10' req, NE cor El Carmel Pl. & Bayside Lane, R-4 Zone. c-6569 7-8-64 6 mo ext to c-6569 to exp 7-8-65 (1-7-65) 60 day ext to exp 9-7-65 (7-8-65) Lot A- Permit to Robert E.-& Nancy A.-Swenson to const a 20'x21'-detached garage to obs- a 6'front yard on Bay Side Lane and to provide no landscaping on Bay Side Lane at 3526 Bayside Walk. R-4 Zone. C-14914 NH. 1-23-78.-------------------------------------------------------------------------