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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 146 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 146 CARD 1.tif-- f- ~,--., r r, >.i CAr{D #I J.o Lot D- The Z. A. has considered the application of Dr. John T. & Elizabeth H. Westwood to const carport on 54' wide lot with existing single family res.; carport to obs O street sideyard is req, at 3528 Bayside Lane, northeast corner Bayside Lane & Monterey Court, Zone R-4, and has DENIED the requested 0 1 street sideyard, but APPHOVED a 41 street sideyard. Case No. 6993 J/9/65---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot C-Permit to Clifford & Virginia Francisco to constr 3 unit Apart. bldg w/60% coverage yhere 5~ is permiteed; to provide 3 off str prkg spaces in frnt yd obs 01 setback 31 frm property line is req, on Bayside Wk bet Nahant Ct. & Monterey Ct Zone R-l+- DiNIED- 6af, Coverage- APPROVED Approx 5~ coverage- cond 11. Case i889J JD-J-68 Lot C- ndaent to above C se 18891 to permit Jim:lnating ot landeeap:lng alon& WUk, wh~ ~nim11 Qf 3 otrltreet. parking spaces shall be provided & ll&intained, parking area shall be paved with Jlin ot 2" a.sphaltic concrete, spaces to be clearl,y IJIJ:rlced with paint & wheelstops installed.; Case 18891 4/15/09 Lot S- pel'llit to Clifford & Virginia Francisco const 3-unit ~ bldg providing 3 ott-street parking spaces in!rt yd on Bayside Lane obs 0 1 setbk where 3 tt froa prop line & 18'!rca curb req., to eliminate req lamlscapin& area long Btqaide Lane, LQLi, Blk 146,.3500 Blk Bqside Walk betw Nahant Ct. & Monterq Ct., Zone R-4. Case 1926'1+ 4/17/69 Lot A- AGREEMENT to DR. AND MRS. HOMER D. PEABODY to construct a three-story, three-unit cond~minium building with a recreation room including toilet, sink and shower, at 3544 Bayside Wal~, Zone MBPD-RS. AGREEMENT #2840 8-27-82