Mission Beach Block 149
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 149.tif;,.,,., MISSION BEACH BLOCK 149 I Lots B-D- Permit to George W. & Mary K. Clause to const an exterior exist door to a new apt unit by conversion of l lg. 2nd floor apt to 2 smaller apts, making a total of 10 units; extending exist 4' wide baleen. 12'; bale resulting in 2 units on Nly side of parcel being served by 8 1 access ct; 2 exist units on Sly side being served by 6 1 access ct (where 10' access ct is req) exist units on Nly side obs 0' & 3 1 sid~ yd (where 4' is req) at 3539 Strandway betw Monterey Ct. & Nahant Ct., Zone R-4. c-4125 6-9-61