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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 15 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 15 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH.,,,..,... BLOCK 15 001'6/ S CARD.... 7/ Lot Q- Clara Louise Merrick appealed to City Council on Res.#5420 & was granted a~d' I permit to erect 3 liv units, NE cor Strandway & San Luis Rey Pl. Council Res.#101911 4-17-51------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot Q-- Clara Louise Merrick, requested ext of 6 mos. to C.C. Res.#101911 ABOVE. C.C.#103838 9-27-51 Lot P- Permit to Mrs. Clara Louise Merrick to erect gar with apt above with 10' rearyd maintained, at 718 San Luis Rey Pl. Res.#2333 6-19-;q Lot 9- Permit to C.L. & John Merrick to const duplex with 2 car gar attached, 59"/o cov, ((1st lot E of 718 San Luis Rey Pl. '-, Res.#4422 2-8-50-- Lot Q- DENIED Clara Louise Merrick permission to const 4 liv units on NE cor of Strandway & San Luis Rey Pl. in R-2 Zone. Res.#5420 3-21-51 Lots C & D- Permit to Wm. Rhodes & Jesse A. Smith to const 4 unit apt bldg lxil'I@ making 4 units on 2 R-2 lots, on Avalon Ct. betw Mission Blvd. & Ocean Front Cond'I. Case#2463 4-24-59 Lot K- Permit to Alvin & Doris Scaramella to const sin fam res~ gar covering 50"/o of lot (40% perm) N. side San Luis Rey Pl. R-2. Case#4194 6-30-61-------------------------------,___________________________________________________________ Lot p- Permit to Marjorie Long to maintain outdoor detached fireplace approx 12 sq. ft. obs. 5' SB from Sam Luis Rey Pl. & O' sideyd, where 15- SB & 3' sideyd are req on lot with-Xist dwell which obs 10' rearyd Res.#2333 at 718 San Luis Rey Pl. R-2zone. Case#5019 7-6-62-