Mission Beach Block 153 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 153 CARD 1.tif f Lot D- Permit 4' balcony obs condl,,,;.. BLOCK 153 CAI\O #1 to Robt Consaul, own & L,J. Karnes, lessee to const 16 unit apt nouse witn 6 1 SB from Bayside Wk (10' req) 3550 Bayside Wk, NW cor Nahant Ct., R-4, c-4197 6-30-61--~--J----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot D- Permit to Robt W. Consaul, own & Lee J. Karnes, lessee (52 yr lease) to maint 16 unit apt bldg covering 63~ of lot (601, perm) 3550 Bayside Wk, NE cor Nanant Ct. & Bayside Ln, R-4, condl c-4323 9-1-61 Lot D- Permit to above to use parcel for addn parking for 16 unit apt blk across Bayside Ln, omit req 3' wall on W. prop line for convenience of neighbor on Lot G, condl c-4362 9-1-61 Lot A- Permit DENIED by ZA, to FLOYD BYRON CRAWFORD, CORA CRAWFORD ROBBINS AND OLIVE CRAWFORD BENNETT, owners; MADISON SQUARE PARTNERSHIP, party, to construct a 3-story, 2- un it residence to (I) observe a IO' setback on Nantasket Court where 15' is required without observing the 45 degree setback above the 20' height; (2) observe no 45 degree setback above the 20' height at the front yard along Bayside Walk; (3) observe no vertical offset of building facade on Nantasket Court side where a 3' vertical off-set is required; (4) to observe a 5' interior side yard where 5 1611 side yard is required; (5) to observe a floor area ratio of I.49 where 1.1 is permitted; (6) to have a total floor area (less enclosed parking) of 6,747 where 5,280 sq. ft. is allowed, at 827-829 Nantasket Court, Zone R-S. ' CASE 164 I I I 1-8-79