Mission Beach Block 154 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 154 CARD 2.tif MISS~ ON--B~CH ~ BLOCK I 54 Ca rd #2 Lot A- Permit to Chapin Enterprises, a California Corporation, to construct a two-unitf\f apt building: (I) two garages with apts above to obs a 5' front yard on Bayside Lane ~ where 15' is req; (2) three parking spaces (two not req) to obs a O' street side on San Juan Place where 10' is req. 3593 to 3595 Bayside Lane. Zone R-4 (proposed SR). Condition. C-15532, 11-15-78. a~ 7-~'1-J'I----------------------------------------------------------L--------------------------------- Lot B- ZA APPROVED yard variance request of THOMAS MORTON to construct a second-story balcony addition to an existing, two-story, single-family dwelling, obs. a 3 1-0" yard at the closest point adj. to Bayside Walk where 10 1 is required, located at 3584 Bayside Walk, south of San Juan Place, RS Subdistrict, Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone, Conditions. C-20920 3/13/92