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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 157

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 157.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 157 Lot C- Permit to Ralph and Shirley Emerson to (1) constr a two-story, 3-unit apt. bldg. obs a 12' front yd on Strandway, wnere 15' is req. (2) provide tnree offstreet parking spaces in front obs a 3' setback from face of curb and prop line, wnere 18' is req. (3) provide appr~ 69 sq. ft. of landscapint betw front of bldg. and front property line, where 136 sq. ft. are req, (4) result in 59.4i lot coverage where 5r:J1, is perm; on Strandway betw San Juan Place and Nantasket Court in R-4 Zone. Cond'l. c-10416 4-23-71 lot C- ZA APPROVED request of SHIRLEY M. EMERSON to construct garage, second-story addn. & attic to existing triplex; addn to obs 3' inter.ior side yd. where 31411 is reqd.; re- modeling to result in elimination of one unit (existing bldg obs. 3; interior side yd) at 3579 Ocean Front \fal k, Zone R-S (MDPD) C-18300 6/8/84 '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ''Lot D- Zoning Administrator DENIED request of THOMAS & PATRICIA TAIT to maintain 1) 37'0" high, solid wood fence with one open wrought iron gate, 6'4" at the highest point, observing a 0' courtyard where a maximum 3' high fence is permitted within the courtyard; 2) 30'9" of 5'10" high solid wood fence observing a O' courtyard where a max. 3' high fence is permitted within the courtyard; 3) 15' sol id wood fence ranging in height from 6' 3" to 7' 1" observing a 0' courtyard at closest point where a max 3' high fence is permitted within the courtyard;& 4) 10'8'' of solid wood fence, ranging from 6'11'' to 7'1'' in height, located adjacent to an alley (Strandway), where a max. 6' high fence is permitted, located at 706 Nantasket Ct. Adjacent to Ocean Front Walk in the R-S zone of MBPD. 1/8/88 APPEALED to Board of Zoning Appeals on February 17, 1988, BZA DENIED Appeal& substains & AFFIRMS decisjon of Zopjnq Arlmjn}s1rator. C-19809 2/17/89 APPEALED to City Counc11 ~n-7/~~ tl8- City Council GRANTED appeal of Applicants & decision of Board of Zoning Appeals is,JOVERTURNED. C-19809 7/28/88