Mission Beach Block 160 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 160 CARD 1.tif '- " MlSSIOII" BEACH BLOCK 16o Lots I & J- Permit to H.J. & Charlotte c. Jahries to erect an apt over an exist gar at 822 San Juan Pl with only 5' betv bldgs, provided the 2 lots are consolidated into 1 parcel. Res. 924 4-26-45 ~---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot H- Jess D. Kelly DENIED right to maint free-stand wall which has max ht of 62" in SB area, but APPROVED a wall or fence 4 1 in ht measure from sidewalk, at 3621 Mission Bl, Zone R-4. C-1241 6-3-57 Lot K- Permit Raymond A. Bennett &Mae to const 3 car gar with apt above, total df 2 liv /4nits, gar obs 0' side yds (3' req) apt to obs 3' side yd & 101 rear yd for gar 10' & 20'San Juan Pl., Zone R-4. C-2117 10-31-58 6 mos ext to exp ll-lt4-59 Lots I & J- Permit to Mr, & Mrs. Edw. apt bldg covering approx 66.3~ & obs a aver street side yd of approx 6' where Lane, Zone R-4 l yr ext to exp 8-11-66 (7-22-65) l yr ext to exp 8-11-67 (7-22-66) l yr ext to exp 8-11-68 (8-17-67) C. Malone to const a 3 story & penthouse 7 unit r 3' side yd along Bayside Ln at one point with an 10' are req at the 1W cor of San Juan Pl & Bayside c-6946 2-11-65 Ext of time for l yr to Ray A. Yillik (Previous own- Malone) to exp 8-11-69 (8-14-68)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ~-- '--