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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 163

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 163.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 163 Lot A- Pe:nnit to A. R. Murray to constr single apt over exist garage, w/9 1 rear yd for garage & apt & 5' space betw dwells; 829 Ormond Ct. Res, 1538 5-9-46-~-----------------------------------~-------~--------------------------------------------- L!t N- Permit to Lee & Margaret C. Ramage to erect 3 units, rear unit having 3' court a access to st; 800 Blk on Niantic Ct. Res. 2141 3-27-47 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' Lot D- Permit to Thomas & El I en Craig to enc I ex I st porch which obs 7' 8" front yd where IO' req APPROVED; (2) move exist gar to obs I' frontyd on Bayside Ln & I' int sldeyd where 15' frontyd & 4' sldeyd are req DENIED but 3' setback APPROVED; (3) total lot cov 60% where 50% perm APPROVED, cond'I, 3633 Bayside Lane, Zone R-4. C-13323 10-23-75 Lot L- Permit APPROVED by ZA, to Reid & Gloria Sappington to construct a one-bedroom addition to an existing duplex, and to maintain two existing parking spaces where, three are required for two 2-bedroom units, at 818 Niantic Court, Zone R-S. Condit ions. CASE 16495 12-19-79