Mission Beach Block 164
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 164.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 164 Lot D- Permit to Edgar & Hazel Gentles to use area in front of exist res for 4 off-st parking spaces to be used in connection w/exist apts across Ormond Ct, to obs 10' setback on Ormond Ct; SE corner Strandway; R-4; (DENIED req O' setback). Case No. 4162 6-23-61 Lot D- Permit to Ed & Marjorie Donald to constr a two-story, sin fam res on top of a three car gar, both to be located on lot with exist res; new structure to obs 1 13" street sideyd wnere 6 1 is req on Ormond Court betw Strandway and Mission Blvd. Zone R-4. Cond'l. c~11956 7-6-73 Appealed to BZA by Frederick and Lynn Ward White- Appeal DENIED and tne decision of the Z.A. be, and hereby is, sustained and affirmed, including all conditions. c-11956 8-23-73 Lot D- Permit to William & Victoria Kocar to const one two-bedr unit and two one-bedrm unrts obs 1 611 st sd yd on Strand Way and to obs a 13 1 rear yd at 701 Ormond Court. zone R-4. Conditfons. C-14467. 10-3-77.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------