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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 168 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 168 CARD 2.tif:,,"""' MISSION BEACH 'l,,,:, BLOCK 168 card /12. to Lot H- Permit DENIED Mr. & Mrs. Gerald F, Champ to maint exist closet & den addn to exiet sin fam res; addn obs O' sideyd & att gar also obs O' sideyd where 3' sideyd is v req' exist res obs all yd req prior to added por at 807 Ostend ct., Zone R-4- addn to be removed or made to comply with all City ordinances (Zoning & Building Inspection) within 30 days from effective date of filing of res in office of City Clerk. C-5507 3-8-63 Lot H- ABOVE APPEALED by Mr. & Mrs Gerald Champ & DENIED C-5507 5-6-63-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots A-C- Permit to Roger A. & Elnora McKenzie to maint exist wooden telephone fence, approx 90', ranging in ht from 3' to 7' obs O' front yd where max 3' hi fence is perm in req 15' front yd at 825-33 Ostend Ct, SW cor of intersection with Bayside Lane, Zone R--4. C-10192 NH 11-10-70---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A- Permit to Johnny & Patricia A. Delotch to canst 2-story, sin fam res with 2-car gar & utility area (1) obs 0 1 int sideyd where 41 req; & (2) arch proj obs 14' frontyd on Ostend Ct where 15' req &4' on Bayside Ln where 5' req, 833 Ostend Ct, Zone R-4, cond'I C-13460 2-4-76----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------