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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 168 Card 3

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 168 CARD 3.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 168 Card #3 ll Lot Q- Permit to Curtis & Joyce Durham to const 2nd story addn to exst sin-fam dwell on lot with I additional unit; 2nd fl deck to obs 2' str side yd on Mission Blvd., at 3659 Mission Blvd., Zone R-4. Conditional. C-15730 2/13/79 Lot N- Permit DENIED by ZA to BILL R. BAXTER AND ORMOND COURT PROPERTIES, to remodel and expand existing three units and as fol lows: (a) to remove existing two car garage and second-story apartment; (b) remove a portion of and remodel existing one-story, two-unit (one bedroom each) building creating one two-bedroom apartment; and (c) construct second and third story, two-unit addition above, resulting in a three-story, three-unit building: (1) building to observe 3 1-011 interior side yards where 5 1-011 is required; (2) to provide five parking spaces where six are required; and (3) resulting in a total of three units where maximum two units are permitted, located at 816 Ormond Court, Zone R-S. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). C-18092 8-26-83 BZA- APPEAL DENIED, UPHELD THE DECISION OF THE ZA AND ADOPTED HIS FINDING OF FACTS 10-19-83 Lot Q- ZA has DENIED request of CURTIS DURHAM & JOYCE DURHAM to maintain existing patio cover and enclose it. Patio cover observes a 1'5" interior side yard where 3' is reqd at 3659 Mission Blvd., Zone R-S (MBPD) C-18479 6/29/84