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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 171 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 171 CARD 1.tif MISSION:BEACH BLOCK 171- Card /fl Lot L- Permit to L.T. Smith to erect solid board fence with gates, 8 1 hi on alley line, 826 Ostend Ct. Res. 4o66 8-10-49 Lots C & D ~ Permit to Carl w. Williams to erect 8 unit studio court, 6 park spaces to be provided, Santa Clara Pl. Res. 6889 & Prop Use Res. 6890 10-15-52 Lot I- Permit DENIED to Robt M. Makoske, own & Ben Hansen, lessee to erect & oper neon adv & directional sign for "Driftwood Diningroom", SE cor Mission Blvd. & Santa Clara Pl, but permit is granted to erect 41 x 5' neon direct sign with non-flashing arrow, with "Sallta Clara Pt", on center post & not more than 1' above parapet. Res. 7061 1a-2--52 Lot I- Permit to Robert M. Makoske, own & Ben L. Hansen, lessee to erect a 4 1 x 5' neon direct sign with non-flasn arrow, witn "Santa Clara Pt" with 14' SB, SE cor Mission Blvd. and Santa Clara Pl. Res. 7o62 12-24-52 Lot I- Res. 7061 & 62 ABOVE appealed to CC- Permitted 3'9" x 7' sign for Ben L. Hansen, only with addn of "Santa Clara Point". CC 110110 1-20-53 ~ Lot M- Permit to Jas M. & Fern D. Fincn to erect 8 1 redwood fence across rear of lot at 822 Ostend Ct., R-4. C-273 9-10-55 ~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------