Mission Beach Block 171 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 171 CARD 2.tif MlS$ION BEACH BLOCK 171 t Card~ l7 Lot O- Permit to Allan J. & M.C. Mansur to const apt over exist gar in rear 301, of lot,- O' side yd, 56.5i cover (3' sideyd & 501, cover req) 814 Ostend ct., R-4, condl C-3747 12-30-60 Lot I- Permit to Benjamin C, & Ella Mae Supplee, own & Mission Bay Driftwood Co., Inc. (Ben L, Hansen), lessee to erect sin pole, dble-faced, interior illum plexiglass direction- al sign overall ht of 24' x 4' x 8 1 in area, advert Driftwood Dining Rm, obs 14' SB, exist' sing to be removed, 3691 Mission Blvd, $-4, condl (Denied req 31' hi sign, 15' x 13'). c-4327 8-18 & 9-1-61 Lot I- Permit to Benjamin G. & Ella Mae Supplee, own & Harvey Nep dba King Neptune Restaurant, lessee to erect double-faced, interior illuminated plexiglass, directional sign on exist pole; sign to be 32 sq ft in area & with a max overall ht of 24', where signs are perm attached to but not to project more than 16" beyond face of bldg nor project above parapet or eaves at 3691 Mission Blvd., SE cor Santa Clara Pl., Zone R-4. C-5520 3-15-63 Lot J- Permit to Josephine Ebel to const 4th unit addn, for 61~ cover/ with 2 park space obs 0 1 from front p.l. (18 1 req) & no landscaping (4 sq ft per lineal ft req) 834 Ostend Ct., R-4. C-8122 6-2-67