Mission Beach Block 175 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 175 CARD 1.tif {__,,. MISSION BEACH BLOCK 175 ~ t Lots A & B- Permit to Gus Nelson to erect a store to the p.l. on Portsmouth Ct. ~ Res. 60018 4-24-33 Lots H & I- Permit DENIED to Albert & Pearl Jumblatt to construct a beauty parlor & 2 doctors' offices or other necessary commercial enterprises on tne NW cor of Santa Clara & Mission Blvd. Res. 1345 2-14-46 Lots H & I- Permit DENIED to Albert R. Jumblatt to erect & operate service station NW cor Mission Blvd. & Santa Clara Pl. Res. 3911 6-6-49 Lots H & I- Condl permit to Albert R. Jumblatt to erect & oper service station NW cor Mission Blvd. & Santa Clara Pl. Res. 4113 9-7-49 Lot C- Permit to John J. & Virginia Moore to const coml bldg in front of exist res wnic h obs 9' rear yd (10' req)at 731 Portsmouth Ct., Zone c., condl------------------------------------------------------------c-2405 3-17-59----------:G"ot J- Permit (amended) to (1) constr 5-unit, 3-story apt bldg obs all yards but resulting in 56.25i coverage wnere 5o;, is perm and (2) to provide 2 parking spaces in front, 15' from center line of street and 3' back of property line wnere parking is req to be 18' from curb and not less tnan 3' from front property line, at 730 Santa Clara Place betw Mission Blvd., Zone R-~. Condl. c-10237 1-19-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------