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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 177

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 177.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 177 Lots A,B & C- Permit to Ricllard J. Lareau, A.I.A. to constr a tnree-story, 6 =unit apt~ bldg.(l) obs from 4' to 10' front yd on Portsmouth Court, wnere 15' is required; (2) obs 5' street sideyard on Bayside Lane, where 10' is required (3) balcony obs 8 16 11 setback on Bayside Walk, wnere 10' is establisned;(4) obs from 4 1 to 8 1 rear yard, wnerexH! 10' is req and (5) parking obs 7' front yard on Portsmouth Court, where parking is perm no closer tnan 18' from curb line; at tne SE cor of Portsmouth Court and Bayside Lane, in tne R-4 Zone. condl, c-10301 2-12-71