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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 181 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 181 CARD 1.tif MlSSIOB BEACH BLOCK 181- ~ Lots D, E, & F- Permit DENIED to Willard A. Rigley and Eric Spangenberg tQ cons!f a.9~ unit, three-story apt bldg above parking (1) obs 7' front SB, where 15' is req (2) obs 1 8" rear yard on Lot F, wnere 10' is req (3) obs 4' street s ideyard on Strandway wbere 10' is req and stairway to obs a 7' street sideyard on Ocean Front Walk wbere 10' is req; but otherwise complying witb all coverage and density requirements, Portsmoutn Court betw Ocean Front Walk and Strandway and alley, Zone~c. c-10982 1-18=72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots D,E,F- Z.A. has considered tne AMENDED req of Eric Spangenberg and CMC Realty (Willard Rigley) to constr 3 story, 6 unit apt bldg with parking; bldg to obs 9' front yd on Portsmouth Court where 15' is req and at closest point a 1' ttreet side yd on Strandway where 10' is req; res units located on the gDQnnd floor where such use is only perm on any floor above the ground floor; on Portsmouth Court betw Ocean Front Walk and Strandway. Zone C; and has DENIED as:req, but APPROVED constr of 3 story as AMENDED, six unit apt bldg with parking; bldg to obs 10' front yd on Portsmouth Court where 15' is req, l' street side yd on Strandway where 10' is req; 9' rear yd adj to the alley where 10' is req; and res units to be located on the ground floor where such use is only perm on any flo~r above the ground floor. Cond'l. C-11242 6-6-72----------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------APPEALED by Mart in I. Borenstein- Appeal DENIED and the dee is ion of Z.A. be, and hereby. is, sustained and affirmed, due to the lack of three affirmative votes by the Board. C-11242 7-27-72