Mission Beach Block 182 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 182 CARD 1.tif-. '!'"'.f---.-..,..- ~~:s;; ~.r BEACH BLOCK.is~ CARD#~ Southerly 25' of Lots E and F- Pennit was DENIED by ZA to O.F.W. ASSOCIATES to: (1) remodel the first floor of existing living units and restaurant of a one-story! building to an en- largement of the existing restaurant; (2) construct a second-story living unit following the same building line, observing a 01 front yard on Pismo Court where 10' is re~uired; (3) provide zero off-street parking spaces where two off-street parking spaces are required; and (4) second-story addition to observe a 11-1 11 vertical offset in the facade adJoining Pismo Court where 3' is required when the building exceeds a width of 25 1; existing building observes a 11-1 11 offset, at 706, 708 and 710 Pismo Court, Zone NCN. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). C-17730 9-10-82 BZA- ZA partially overruled, and the application modified. 11-23-82 Southerly 25' of Lots E and f- Permit APPROVED by ZA to O.f.W. ASSOCIATES to remodel an existing nonconforming building where the cost 9f such improvements will exceed 50"/4 of the accessed value of the property, at 706, 708 and 710 Pismo Court, Zone NCN. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). Conditions. C-17942 3-11-83...