Mission Beach Block 19 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 19 CARD 1.tif /(1ss10N sEP:cH iLoci'1'g 00/foOJ-S CA~D la Lot N- Permit to James Parnell to build an apt over exist gar at 820 Avalon Ct. w'?t? a'T,' rearyd & 53% cov provided the sundeck is eliminated. Res.#969 6-7-45 w of Lot B & all of Lot C- Permit to Donovan Lynch to erect a gar, 829 Balboa Ct,, with liv quarters above & maintain 10' rearyd. Res.#1593 6-20-46 w of Lot B & all of Lot C- AMENDS Res.#1593 & permits Donovan Lynch to erect a gar at 829 Balboa Ct. with liv quarters above & maintain a 10' rearyd for the gar & an 81 rearyd for the pat above. Res.#1841 10-24-46 Lot O- Cond'I permit to R.C. & Gertuude Pettit to erect.gar with apt above,sundeck, 10' rearyd, 5% excess cov, 816 Avalon Ct. Res.#3866 5-4-49 Lots E & F- Permit to Peter A. & Barbara Nagy to 6onst res & gar w(th 10' rearyd & with 53% cov, on S. side of Balboa Ct. betw Mission Blvd. & Bayside Lane, R-2. Case#l050 3-11-57 Lots E & F- 6 mos. ext. to Case#! 050 ABOVE, to Peter A. Nagy. Case#l050 9-5-57 Lot D- Permit to I.S. & Marion Maclaren to const bedrm & bath add above exist gar, the bedrm to obs 10' rearyd (15' req) 53% cov (40% perm) 825 Balboa Ct., Zone R-2. Case#2284 2-6-59-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------