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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 194 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 194 CARD 2.tif,,,. "... ~.,#................ ~ MISSfOH BEACH el!J CAR~u2 BLOCK 194 Portions of the south half of Lots D and E- Permit was considered by ZA to TITLE INSURANCE AND TRUST COMPANY, owner; BOMCO, a California General Partnership, purchaser, to construct a 1 two-story, single-family dwelling: (I) observing a 11 setback on Rockaway Court~where 10 1 is required; (2) provide O parking spaces on the premises where two are required but provide these required spaces on the adjoining lot to the west; and (3) to eliminate landscaping. 1 along Rockaway Court where 100 percent of the yard is required (440 sq. ft.), at 836 Rockaway Court, Zone RN. (MISSION BEACH PLANNED DISTRICT). C-17441 10-6-81 DECISION: DENIED as requested, but APPROVED: (I) construction of two-story building ob- serving 5 1-011 setback on Rockaway Court where 10 1 is required; (2) to allow construction of a single-family dwelling with O parking spaces on premises, but to provide two parking spaces on adjacent property as approved under CUP 17334; (3) to reduce landscaping on Rock- away Court commensurate with setback reduction. Conditions. BZA- APPEAL DENIED. Decision of the ZA upheld and adopted his Findings of Facts. 1/25/82. Por. of Lots D & E- ZA DENIED the amended request of BOMCO, a California General Partnership to maintain 82 sq. ft. (30%) of landscaping on Rockaway Ct. where 111 sq. ft. (50%) is reqd. & 15 sq. ft. (6%) of landscaping on Bayside Walk where 125 Sq. ft. (50%) is reqd. at 3728 Bayside Walk, MBPD, Subdistrict RN. C-18411 5/11 /84 Lot A&B-~ with PhY,llis Strand to.const.1::ur,,t a third floor with m3.ster bedrocrn full bath, walk-lll clset & dressing area l.ocatecrat- 3""f3'1!Ba.ys:fdeWalk. ' AGREE# 3905 1/26/88