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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 199

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 199.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 199, Lot 11 D11- 11ermi t to John H. Nelson at n5 Salem Court R-4 to construct a 3 story SFD observing 8 1 rear yard where 18' is renuired, a 10' front yard where 15 1 is required a 3' interior side yard where 7' is renuired, Darking with?.0' turning aisle where 21' is required and nroviding 105 sn ft of landscaning where-exce~t for driveways and walks- the entire 15' front yard must be landsca11ed. Condition-Subj to Exhibit "A". C-14006 12-27-76: pt E- ZA APPROVED Request of WOLFGANG G. KNAUSS & LYDIA KNAUSS to maintain 53' of 7" wide wood siding along the exterior east & west side of a nonconforming SFD creating a l 'll" interior side yd on the east & west where 3' is reqd. at 721 Salem Court, Zon~ R-N. C-18512 11/16/84