Mission Beach Block 202
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 202.tif MISSION 81:ACH BLOCK 202 " 3 Lots B & C- ZA DENIED request of ROBERT AMM to constr. a single-family residence that encroaches into the required 45 degree setback 20 1 above grade in the interior yard and the south side courtyard, Parcel I, P.M. 13539 at 829 Seagirt Court, Zone R-N, MBPD, but APPROVED an encroachment into the required 45 degree setback 20 1 above grade in the interior yard, subj. to conds. C-19267 7/13/86 Resub of Lot C, Par 1 of Par Map 13539- Agreement with Robert Amm to construct TV room with bar sink and bedroom and 3/4 bathroom on the 1st floor of a 3-story structure with master bedroom and full bath on the 3rd floor, at 829 Seagrit Court, zone R/N. Agreement #A4086 07-22-88