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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 207 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 207 CARD 1.tif.-.... ~ V MISSION BEACH BLOCK 207 ' ~ Lots C & D- Permit DENIED to Louis s. & Carolyn Ridgeway to const 4 unit, 2 story a~ nouse obs 8' SB from Sunset Ct. where 15' SB is req & covering 72~ of tne lot where 60'fo is perm on Sunset Ct. betw Strandway & Mission Blvd. but APPROVED a 10' SB & 70'fo coverage C-7128 & 29 5-20-65 1 yr ext to exp 5-20-66 (12-27-65)-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot G ~ TABLED for Jonn H. & Kathryn Krempp to permit to remove exist sin fam res & const 3 story duplex. c-8293 9-22-67 Lots H & I- Permit to Frederick A. Meiser Jr., Louise Ely Meiser, and Frederick A. Meiser, Sr, to maintain: (I) a two-story four-plex and to provide two additional parking spaces to obs a 10' front yard on Seagirt Court; (2) alterations to deck obs a I 0' front yard; (3) to provide 100 sq. ft. of landscaping on Strandway. 720 Seagirt Court. R-4 Zone. Conditions. C-14674. 11-1-77. Lots H & I- Permit to Frederick A. Meiser, Sr., Louise E. Meiser and Frederick A. Melser, Jr. to hold as one parcel 720 Seagirt Court. AGREE #LTC-5.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Lot F- Permft to Wilson Clark, Trustee of Helen Peabody Trust. Owner. DENIED to constr office bldg obs (1) O' str side yd on Seagrlt Ct (2) eliminate trash encl area (3) erect 6 1 hi 7-1/2 sq. ft. grnd sign. C-16142 8/1/79