Mission Beach Block 210
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 210.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 210 " Lots A-C- Granted Margaret G. Schoendorf to erect 4-unit court, setback 10 1 on Tangiers Ct. Res. 70089 10-10-39------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lots D,E,F- Permit DENIED to Betty Hazelbaker for permission to construct 4-story 6 upit apt bldg. obs a 10' front yard on Sunset Ct where 15' is req, a 9' rear yard where 21' is req, 5 ' street side yard on Bayside Lane where 10' is req; 3 '6 11 street side yard on Bayside Walk where 10' is req and to provide 10 off-street parking spaces with an open parking space to obs a O' front yard on Sunset Ct. where 15' is req and to eliminate req land-scap ing on Bayside Lane, at 8oo Block Sunset Court betw Bayside Lane and Bayside Walk. Zone R-4. C-11566 11-10-72 Lots A thru C- Per~it to R.R. & Jerrine R. Riley to const 7~ x 9' rm addn to exist dwell; addn to obs 12' rearyd where 15' req, 3856 Bayside Walk, Zone R-4. C-13637 N.H. 5-7-76 Lots D,E,F,- Hazelbaker, Thomas & Lynn- remodel 2 houses into 1 unit, obs 6 1 st side yd on Bayside Ln (10' req) & 3 1-6 11 rear yd (15' req), at 3855 Bayside Ln, Zone R-4 C-15541 11/28/78-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------