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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 217

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 217.tif.. ~ -.,,_... ~-- MISSION BEACH BLOCK 217 Lots A,B,C- Permit DENIED to Betty Hazelbaker to constr four-story, six-unit apt bldg obs a 10' front yard on Toulon Ct where 15' is req, a 9' rear yard wnere 21' is req, a 5' street side yard where 10' is req on Bayside Lane, a 3 '611 street side yard on Bayside Walk wnere 10' is req; and to provide 10 off-street parking spaces witn one open par~ing space to obs a O' front yard on Toulon Court where 15' is req and to eliminate req landscaping on Bayside Lane, at 800 Block Toulon Court, betw Bayside Lane and Bayside Walk. Zone R-4. c-11567 11-10-12