Mission Beach Block 228
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 228.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 228 Lot "I- Permit to Jerry D. & Kathleen A. Sutton to constr 2-story duplex 'W/parking to obs O' distance from curb & O' distance from. PL on San Rafael where no parking is perm 20' from curb line or less than 3' from front PL; 6716 San Rafael Pl, NE corner of San Rafael Pl & Strandway, Zone R-4; Condl. Case No. 61.18 12-11-63 Lot B- Permit to Chas. Wendt to constr 18' x 26 1 2nd story addn to exist single fam J dwell; exist dwell obs 10' front yd & addn to obs 10' front yd where 15' is req; 729 Venice Ct betw Mission Blvd & Strandway; Zone R-4. Case No. 911~ l-30-69 Lot C- Permit to above to constr 2 story single fam dwell obs 10' front yd where 15' v' is req, result in approx 53~ coverage where 50~ is perm; 729 Venice Ct betw Strandway & Mission Blvd; Zone R-4. Case No. 9073 1-30-69