Mission Beach Block 232 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 232 CARD 2.tif '.. MISSION BEACH BLOCK 232 Card /12 ~ Lotll- ZA DENIED as requested, but APPROVED /l's 1, 3, 4, 5 & 6; MODIFIED /17; DENIED f/2 Tequest of KEN OATES to construct 1st & 2nd story additions to existing, single-family dwell- ing; (1) to observe a O'-O" yard adjacent to Mission Blvd. where 3'-0" is required; (2) portion of 2nd story to encroach within the required 45 degree envelope along the east side yard where no such encroachments are permitted; (3) to observe a 21-1011 east side yard where 3'-0" is required (existing first floor observes 2'-1011); (4) to observe a 9'-9" yard adjacent to Venice Court where 10'-0" is required (existing first floor observes 9'-9" courtyard set- back); (5) to provide a 16'-6" back-up for garage where 21 1-011 is required; (6) to provide 288 sq. ft. of landscaping in the yard adjacent to Venice Court where 296 sq. ft. is required; and (7) to provide 73 sq. ft. of landscaping in the yard adjacent to Mission Blvd. where 124 sq. ft. is required at 3915 Mission Boulevard, R-N Zone, Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone, Coastal Height Limitation Zone. Conditions. C-21106 7-16-93