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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 233

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 233.tif '''.:~ ".:...,~, MlSSION BEACH BLOCK 233 Lots D & Ely of E- Tne Asst Z.A. nae considered tne request of Horace L. Upp, trustee, and William Jeffery III, purcn, to constr a two-story, two-unit condominium above parking structure; bldg to obs 3' intside yard, 3' rear yard, 5' street side yard and 12'6" front yard wnere 4' interior side, 15' rear, 8' street side and 15' front yards are req, 8oo block Venice Court betw bayside Walk and Bayside Lane, Zone R-4 and nas APPRUVED tne int side yard as snown; APPROVED tne rear yard as snown; APPROVED tne street side yard as snown; DENIED a 12 16" front yard on Venice Court as req, but.APPROVED 12 1 6" front yard for the first floor of living area. c-11658 2-22-73