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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 242 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 242 CARD 2.tif MISSION $CH BLOCK 242 tf CARD #2. ~ Lot A- Tne Assi~t Z.A. nas considered tne request of Cnarles E. Harmon and w. Douglas Scnuler to constr a two-story, sin fam res (1) obs 10' front yd, wnere 15' is req (2) obs 81 rear yard, wnere 10' is req (3) resulting in 67.5i coverage, wnere 6~ is perm, in tne 700 Blk Yarmoutn Court betw Ocean Front Walk and Strandway. Zone R-4, and nas (1) APPROVED (2) APPROVED (3) DENIED as requested, but APlRROVED 65i max cov sub to cond c-11144 4-14-72 APPEALED- Appeal be granted in part and tne dee is ion of tne Assist Z.A. be;. and nereby is npneld in nis denial of 671, coverage and approval of 65i coverage, but is overruled in requir4ng a second parking space, and tne appellant's appeal Jis sustained. c-11144 6-16-72 Lot E- AGREEMENT to Robert H. & Shirley M. Lyman and Gregory A. & Frances M. Stone to install bar sink on the ground floor in hallway adjacent to garage, at 706 Yarmouth Court, Zone RN. AGREEMENT #2595 9-26-80