Mission Beach Block 243 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 243 CARD 1.tif M1SSI01f BEACH BLOCK 243 Card Lots A-C- Request TABLED to Sam Dawson to const 10 unit, 4 story apt house with parking under obs 10' SB from York Ct., where a 15' SB is req. c-6793 1-4-65 Lots A-G- Permit to San Dawson to (c-6793) const 9 unit, 5 story apt house, with parking & one apt on the ground flr, obs 10' SB from York Ct. where 15' is req; and (c-6794) to obs O' rear yd on Lot C where 10' rear yd is req; obs O' street side yd from Ocean Front Walk where 10' is req; to obs O' side yd on east line of Lot C adj to alley where 6 1 side yd is req; to cover approx 6~ of par where max cover of 601, is perm on You ct., SW cor York Ct. & Strand Way, Zone R-4, condl c-6793 & 94 2-23-65 ABOVE APPEALED by Carl Hotten 3-3-65 and appeal DENIED Z.A. dee sustained. Lots A-C- Z.A. considered appl of Miahael F. & Nancy E. McNamara to const a 3 story 6 unit apt bldg; (1) obs 10' front yd on York ct. where 15 1 is req; (2) obs 0 1 street side yd on Ocean Front Wk, where 10' is req; (3) obs (as amended) 9' rear yd where 10' is req; (4) providing 6 parking spaces, 1 obs O' from front p.l. on York Ct. where 3' from p.l. & 18 1 from curb is req on York Ct. betw Ocean Front Wk & Strand Way in the R-4 zone and has (1) APPROVED; (2) APPROVED; (3) APPROVED; (4) DElf.IED as req but APPROVED 6 parking spaces, 1 obs 3' from front p.1. on York Ct. /_'J(T_, o;._ l <--f 11-a.1-,,__ (9-3lJ-7D_) {t ~-~()-'7/- '7W &l,.)---------C-9588-----===~==~=----------