Mission Beach Block 243 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 243 CARD 2.tif MISS ION BEACH BLOCK 243 Card #'2 ~ Lot E- Z. A. has consid the req of Bill A Dennis, Perry F. & Dora Fields, & Harold L.Hunt, as AMENDED on Not of Pub Hearing, dated 8/25/72, to constr a 3-story, sin fam dwel with parking fac for 2 veh on the ground floor prov with 18' aisle where 2l'aisle is required; structure to (l) obs IO' front yd where 15 1 is req; (2) obs 4' side yds on ea side where 7' is req (3) obs 10' rear yd fr center of alley where 18' is req; (4) cover 53% of the lot wheTe max 50% is perm, at 706 Yarmouth Ct. betw Ocean Front & Strandway, Zone R-4; and after cons id of the foll find of facts has APPROVED subject to CONDITIONS ~-:\:\_I,..:~~__________ c~1~5~____ 9:2~-:2_______ Lot E- Permit to Bill A. Dennis, Perry F and Dora Fields, Harold L. Hunt to constr a 3 story, sin fam dwell witn pk facilities tor two venicles on ground floor provided witn 18' aisle where 21' aisle is req; structure to (1) obs 10' front yd where 15' is req (2) obs 4 1 side yards on each side where 7'is req (3) obs 10' rear yd from center of alley where 18' is req (4) cover 53~ of the lot wnere max 5~ is perm; at 7o6 Yarmouth Court, betw Ocean Front &, Strandway. Zone R-4. AGREE #1799 10-6-72 Lot J- Permit to Glenn & Susan Johnson at 721 Zanzibar Ct., Zone R-N, to remodel & redesign existing 2-story SFD with the addn of a mezzanine floor resulting In a 3-story, 30' high b I dg: 9LO obs 8' 8" front yard (2) portion of front to be 21 '2" high along court and (3) to obs 3' int side yd on either side. Condit. C-15269 6/5/79