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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 245 Card 4

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 245 CARD 4.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 245-/.;CARD # 4~ Lot a- Permit to H. G & Audrey V Lewis to const 2-story, sin fam dw~obs 10' frontyd where 15' req; (2) obs 3' interior side yards where 4' req; (3) obs 8 1 rearyd where 15' req; (4) result in approx 61% cov where 50% perm; (5) prov 16' turnaround for parking where 21 ' req, on Zanz I bar Ct, Zone R-4, APPROVED I terns I thru 4, DEN I ED (5) as requested but APPROVED 19' turnaround, cond'J C-13546 4aJ=76 Lot L- Permit to Allan J. and Margaret L. Klingenberg and Kathleen E. Klingenberg to const a two-story sfd to obs a 12 1 611 fy on Zanzibar Ct., with a max 3' eave projection, a 3' int sd yd where 4' is req., a I'!!" st sd yd on Strandway, an 8 1 rear yd, and to res in 61.2% Jot coverage; located in the 700 Block of Zanzibar Ct. Conditions. 2-4-77. C-14074. R-4 Zone. Lot 4- Susan Johnson. 721 Zanzibar Court. Zone R-4. C-15269. TABLED 7-14-78. Lot D- Bonniegean Horne, E. of 745 Zanzibar Ct., Zone R-4. C-15683. WITHDRAWN 2/2/79 Lot D- Request by Joanne Lindblad and Barrie Adsett to construct a deck extension on second and third floor and replacement of spiral staircase- extension will have an 8'-0" setback where a 10'-0" setback is required, at 749 Zanzibar Ct. SD 92109 Zone R-4 C-19886 NH DENIED