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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 249 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 249 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 249 ("- CARD #I ~ot P- Permit DENIED by ZA to RESEARCH IN ELECTROCARDIOLOGY, INC. to construct two-story office addition to existing two-story office bui I ding. Addition to result in 1.42 Floor Area Ratio where maximum 1.25 is permitted, at 3991 Mission Boulevard, Zone VCN. (MISSION BEACH PcL~NNEj).;DISTRICT).:1.~-. ' C-17173 4-3-81 Lot Z, Home Occupation Permit was approved by SCA, LAURENCE ANDERSON, OWNER/JOHN R. BRADY, APPLICANT requested to establish a home occupation deviating from the operational regu- lations in that one employee or partner will be employed on the premises Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. where home occupation regulations do not normally permit clients or employees on the premises, located at 3963 Mission Boulevard, VC-N Zone, 99-0315 6-11-99