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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 31 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 31 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH. BLOCK 31 " Lot J, P~rmit to Ted & Thelma Pyke to construct 2-units add. to exist 3-unit bldg, (~-unit) 1 e~ist apt has 6 1-6 11 acc~ss court to alley, (, 0 1 req.) & 2' ace. ct to alley out to, st. (5 1 req.) 0 overage 68.8% (60% perm.)' NE cor Capistrano Pl & Strandway, R-4 Case 2611 7-3-59--------------------------------------------- Lot J- z. A. considered app of Ted & Thelma Pyke to const 1-unit addn to exist 3-unit bldg, making a total of 4 units on lot; one exist apt served by a 6 1-6" access ct to alley where 10 1 is req, & a 2 1 access ct parallel to alley out to st where 5, is req, making a 68.8% coverage of\ lot where 60% is perm; and to maintain two off-st parking spaces where ~ 4 are req, and has DENIED the above request, but APPROVED an addn to the second floor ~nit resulting in 68.8% coverage with access to a dedicated st, making a total of 3 units on lot with 2 off-st parking spaces provided at 714 Capistrano Pl, Zone R-4- Cond. 1 1. Case No. 4995 7-11-62