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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 31 Card 2

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 31 CARD 2.tif MISSIOlf:BEACH BLOCK 31 0 Lot B- Permit to H. P. & Everil o. Ames to (1) constr 2nd story, 3 bedroom unit above exist 3-becroom unit; addn to obs all yard req but result in 55',t, coverage wnere 5~ is perm; (2) provide 19' turn-around for tnree parking spaces in rear wnere 21' is req, at 725 Cohasset Court betw Strandway aod Miss ion Blvd. Zone R-4. Cond 'l. c-11167 4-27-72-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot H- Permit to Bonniegean Horne to const 5'x7' balcony addn to an exs nonconf apt bldg: 7'xl3'4" bedroom ext obs a 3' int side yard; eaves of bedrm addn to obs 2' side yard; addn to res in 60.8% coverage. 722 Capistrano Place, Zone R-4. Conditions. C-14842. 1-17-78.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------