Mission Beach Block 33 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 33 CARD 1.tif,,,,.,.,,.,,. BLOCK 33 Card #I Lot B- Permit to 'Carl B. Sparks to const res & att gar covering Bayside Walk, R-4. 1 ~% (50"/o perm) Case#1348 at 2816 8-2-57------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot O- Permit to Richard L. & Georgianna M. Wagner, purch & E.W. & Oora E. Place, owner to const a 6 unit 4 story apt bldg; 1)1) obs 3' front yd at one point on Bayside Lane, where t~ is req; (2) resulting in 7C1'/o cov, where 60"/o is perm; (3) 4 parking spaces to be provided in req front yd, 3 to obs 3' from curb line & I to obs, at a point, O' from curb & prop line, where 18' from curb line & 3' from front prop line is req; and (4) bldg obs 3' st. sideyd where 8 1 is xeq; [n the 2800 blk of Bayside Lane, betw Capistrano Pl. & Cohasset Ct., Zone R-4 cond' 1. ~fJo- /,1, ("\, rase#9243 5-2-69 ~~-I1..,t._r;:__J.9__ ~~~---~-:.~'2__ f..~.!.?~.!..0___ ~-'Jl...finw_:!.!)_~__ {e-_~:.::':._f!.::.2''2:.l~----'--L'2;.7.f Lot A- Z.A. cons req of Jan Bordewick for perm(as amended) to constr 4-story, 8-unit apart bld~ obs (I) 2' front yd on Bayside Lane where 15' is req; (2) 4 1 interior side yd ~here 6 1 1 s;eq; (3) 4' st;e~t sJde yd on Cohasset Court where 8 1 is req; and (4) resulting 1n approx 70% cov where 60% 1s perm at 2820 Bayside Walk, on the S side of Cohasset Ct. E of Bayside Lane, Zone R.-4 & has made the following decision: (I) APPROVED; (2) DENIED (3) DENIED; (4) APPROVED ' APPEALED TO BZA- Board DENIED appeal and the decision of the sustained & affirmed. APPEALED TO COUNCIL- Council GRANTED appeal and the decision is, overruled c-10667 8-17-71 Z.A. be, and hereby is, C-10667 I 1-5-71 of the BZA be, and hereby c-10667 12-20-71--------------------------------------------------------------.------------------See Card #2