Mission Beach Block 34 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 34 CARD 1.tif.., l,...,-.-~--;--:-~----- BLOCK 14 Lot C- Perl1!'1 t to Jack & Constance Yount to cons t duplex with 5 1 6".ss with 0' sideyd with apt above, Bayside Lane betw Coronado & Cohasset Cts. MISSION BEACH & to canst ga~Lt Res.#6688 8-6-52--------------------------------------- Lot B- Z.A. considered app of the Estate of Harriet S. Crause (Alfred S. Chapman, Executor), owner, & James R. Toungson, purch to const 3 unit apt house covering 64% of the lot where 50"/4 is perm, & with 2 units obs 6 1 access ct. where 10' access ct. is req, on Bayside Lane ha betw Coronado Ct. & Cohasset Ct., zone R-4 and has DENIED the re~ for 65% cov but APPROVED a max of 60% cov subj to cond. Cas~5072 7-20-62-------------------------------------------Lot D- BZA considered the appeal of RICHARD & JOAN MACFARLANE WISE-from-the" decision of the ZA in denying the request to construct a three-story, three unit building. Request Amended to read: (1) observing at the closest point at 3'-0" interior side yard where s-o~ is required; (2) providing two parking spaces observing a 0'-0" setback on Cohasset Court where 15'0" is required; (3) provide three standard parking spaces with 1.8 -:.:6" turning radius wl).ere21'-0" is required; (4) construct the building 61'-ll" facing the court where a maximum 30'-0" is permitted without a break in the facade; (5) provide 409 sq.ft. of landscaping material adjacent to Cohasset Court where 615 sq.ft. is required; and (6)construct architectural projections obsreving 13'-0" courtyard where 15'-0" courtyard is required at 2826 Bayside Walk, Zone R_S and has taken the following action: #1 APPROVED as requ.ested; #2, DENIED as requested, but APPROVE tandem,