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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 35 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 35 CARD 1.tif MISSION!!EACH BLOCK 35 CARD # I Lots-J & K- Permit to Harold & Geraldine Lush to erect 2 triplexes w/attached 3-car garages, 2 units above 1 below,w/66" access for ea, 30' & 6o'; E Mission Blvd, No side Cohasset. Res. 6730 & 6731 8-20-52-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lot I- ZA considered appeal of Mary Pat Montgomery, Owner, & Steve Drogin, Purchaser, to constr 3-unit, 2-story apt bldg result in 631, coverage where 501, perm; 814 Cohasset Ct betwn Mission Blvd & Bayside Lane; Zone R-4;- DENIED reg_ 631, coverage, but APPROVED 61ii, coverage. Case No. 8o82 4-14-67 Lots D, E, and F- Permit to Robert W. and Tomi R. Martin to constr. 4 addtl. units on 2nd stories of exist. apart. complex (JO units total) and to provide park. in rear to utilize 17' turnaround aisle off a 16 1 alley where safe and efficient access to parking is req. from a dedicated str. or alley, at 801-811 Coronado Ct. bet. Mission Blvd. & Bayside Ln. Zone R-4. Condi. C-10552 6-24-71-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot C- Permit to Wm & Tracy Strauon (I) to const 2nd story addn to exist sin fam dwell with 2nd Jiv unit above attched gar; addn to obs 3' int sideyd where 4' req & result in 55 % cov where 50% perm; (2) prov 3 pkg spaces (90 degrees) with I to be 9' x 20' with 16' turning radius where 21' turnaround req; (3) 2nd unit over gar to obs 14 1 611 rearyd where 15' req, (exist dwel I obs 3' ifltr sideyd), 815 Coronado Ct, Zone R-4,_,,___.-~ -2. S-;l.6,"?J' (7-/- 77) C-13381 N.H. 11-26-75