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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 39 Card 1

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 39 CARD 1.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 39 Lot E- Permit to Andrew C. & Phyllis S. Gormish to constr fireplace addn to exist duplex which covers approx 62% of parcel; fireplace addn will result in 63'1, coverage & interior alteration covered by Permit No. B-66837; alter interior of downstairs unit w/out enlarge- ment of bldg, where 6o'1, coverage is perm; 713 Deal Court; SE corner Deal Court & Strandwa.y; Zone R-4; Condl. Case No. 6o53 10-18-63-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~----- Lot l- Tne Z.A. nas considered the request of Herbert D. Palmer to constr sin fam unit abov, exist res unit obs (1) 12' front yard with balcony projection (2) 3' side yard (3) 10' rear yd and (4) resulting in 65'1, cov wnere 15' front yard, 4' side yard and 15' rear yard is req, and 50,, cov of int lot;is perm, at 718 Coronado Court betw Strandway and Mission Blvd, Zone R4 and nae (1) Dl!INIED 12' SB (2) APPROVED (3) APPROVED (4) DEN.IE]) 651, cov, APPROVED 6o'1,, subject to conditions. C-11712 2-22-73 Pi~m~t-to Tom M. & Patricia A. Gorman and William C. & Betty Jo Gorman to enlarge two exs one- and 1-.,,c-bedroom units, addn to res in a two-bedroom and a three-bedroom unit obs: I) 3' int side yard; 2) 60% coverage; 3) to provide one addnl parking space with an 18'3" aisle width. 721 Deal Court. R-4 Zone. Conditions. C-15138. 6-16-78,