Mission Beach Block 40
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 40.tif MISSION BEACH. Lot J: Permit to Harold Kent Parsons to erect 3 units on a 39 1 x width to Coronado Ct, 80 1 lot with a 3 1 Res.#1404 ct, 3-28-lio---------------------~---------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot B- Permit to Lloyd E. Griffin to const 10' x 14' add to duplex, 817 Deal Ct., SB aver of 2 adj bldgs. Res.#4937 8-23-50 Lo1Z I- Permit to Walter A. Mitch~ll to conv gar to liv guart, making total of 3 liv units on the lot with 3 1 access ct. to the st., 2nd fl of rear structure to have 8 1 rearyd, at 816 Coronado Ct. DENI ED. Res.#5429 4-4-51 Lot K- Permit tJ Robert Carmona to const addn to res making 57,3% cov (50% perm) at 806 Coronado Ct., R-4 cond'l. Case#l206 5-20-57 Lot K- Amendment to Case#l206 ABOVE to R. Carmona, permitting a 5' sideyd where a cond req an 81 sideyd on W., 806 Coronado Ct. 11-15-57 Lot C- Permit to Melvin Morgan to const duplex covering approx. 55% of lot where max of 50"/o is per~ Lot C, Blk 40, Deal Ct. betw Mission Blvd, & Baysid, Lane, Zone R-4. Case#6769 l 0-23--64