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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 44

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 44.tif MISSION BEACH BLOCK 44 Lot G- Permit to Phillip P. Jordan to const 3 apt addn to ex sfd res 2-story apt bldg to obs 2' st sd yd along Mission Blvd., to provide 7 1 to obs O' st sd yd, and to provide 33% landscaping at 732 Deal Ct,, 1-12-77. Amended 4/5/89 ~ 4-unit, ~4--{pki ng spaces Zone RlJ, c...!3993. Lot D- Permit to Phillip P. Jordan to const a duplex to obs a JO' rear yd, result in 55% lot coverage.and have 17' turning area. Lot on San Gabriel Place. R-4 Zone. Condition. C~l4697 NH. 10-21-77. Lot C- Permit to Michael P. McNally to const a two-bedrm second story addn to an exs nonconf one-story sfd. (I) Second story dwel I ing unit addn to obs a l' 10" int side yard; (2) provide 18' access to parking; (3) 14'x21' aeck addn to res in 52.5% Jot coverage. 727_San_ Gabri e 1_Place.__ Zone_ R-4.__ Condit ion.__ C-15262.__ 6-38-78.__!Vo #ea,,-;-:J,_________ Lot G- ZA DENIED as requested the request of ROXANNA R. FOXX, ROBERT L. and LOIS GOTTSFIELD, MARY BETH MCCABE, AND ROSS J. & ELAINE MONACO, but APPROVED the balconies to extend no more than 0'-18" from the face of the building wall facing Deal Court and awnings to extend no more than 0'-18" from the face of the building wall, subj. to conds., located at 732 Deal Court in the R-S Subdistrict of the Mission Beach Planned District, Coastal Zone. C-20623 5/6/91