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Development Services

Mission Beach Block 53

MISSION BEACH BLOCK 53.tif MlSSION BEACH BLOCK 53 Lot A- Pennit to Sam A & Pansy Claggett to erect duplex over exist gar which has O' sideyd, duplex to have 3' sideyd & to add 20' x 19' gar to exist gar & m.aint 6 1 access ct for liv units, 2945 Ocean Front. Res. 2475 8-27-47 Lot B- Permit to E.W. Place to const res & att gar with approx 65~ coverage of lot, at Ocean Front Wk betw Devon & Dover Cts. C-158 8-9-54--------~------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot A- Permit to E.W. & Dora E. Place to remodel interior of l pedrm apt of exist duplex over exist gar which has O' sideyd; & add to livingrm & bedrm; & add den & carport & maint 6 1 access ct, 2939 Ocean Front Wk, R-4 per plans on file C-4594 N.H. 11-30-61 Lot A- ABOVE amended to include a 4th liv unit as shown on plans, wlich unit was shown as a laundry rm & gar on plans originally submitted with said case 4594 which permitted gar (which was referred to as 3 car gar & laundry rm but is actually a 2 car gar & a 4th unit), condl C-~594 1-22-62 Lot B- Permit to E.W. Place to constr 2nd-story, 2nd unit addn to exist sin fam dwell on lot which is nonconforming as to coaer & front yd SB on Strandway & side yd (See C-158) addn to also obs O' SB on Strandway where 15' is req, j O' side yd on no. p.l. where 3' is req & result in 661,, cover where 5CJI, is perm at 2939 Ocean Front Wk betw Dover & Devon Cts., Zone R-4, condl C-9981 7-20-70