Mission Beach Block 56 Card 1
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 56 CARD 1.tif MISSION eEACH-~~ Lot L- Permit to Wilson F. Clark to const 2 story res & att gar, with approx 60"/o cov 11 (50"/o perm) on Dover Ct. betw Mission Blvd. & Bays~de Lane, R-4. Case#\376 8-23-57 V--------T---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lot J- Granted to Francis P. McHugh to build up to 12' 1 ine instead of 15' front prop line. Res.#52831 1-20-30 Lo, I- Permit to Jeanice Lederer to make custom made clothes, as part time activity in own home at 824 Dover Ct., provided no signs are displayed. Res.#1630 7-18-46 Lot I- Permit to Delbert R. & Avis I. Meinung to add 2 units to exist sin fam res, total 3 units cover 65% of lot, 824 Dover Ct., NW cor Bayside Lane (60"/o perm) R-4. Case#3727 1-23-6 I Lot A- Granted req of Melvin & Ernie Gorham & Eugene & Donna Fuller, partnership, to const a 5 unit apt bldg cov approx 64.5% of Lot where max 60% cov is perm at 2959- 67 Bayside Lane, SW cor Ensenada Ct. & Bayside Lane, Zone R-4. Case#7357 8-31-65------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots E- ~- Permit DENIED to Capitol Control Co. (Lots E & F), James S. Williams (Lots G & H), owners & Mission Bay Towers, purch, to const 19 unit, 4 story apt bldg with {l) enclosed stairway obs 10' and decorative facing obs 9' front yd where 15' is req; (2) obs 5' 11..tx st sideyd where 10' is req; (3) balconies on 2nd, 3rd & 4th floors obs 8 1 rearyd where JO' is req; (4) balconies on 2nd, 3rd & 4th flrs obs 4 1 x sideyd wrere 6 1 is req; (5) 73,4% cov where 60"/o is perm, at SE cor Ensenada Ct. & Mission Blvd.; Zone R-4 Case#8353 10-13-67---------------------------------------------------------------;.