Mission Beach Block 59 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 59 CARD 2.tif '. MISSION BEACH BLOCK 59 CARD NO. 2 4'\((Lot K- Helen Slayden Bradley to convert garage ~o bedrm & utility rm; 834 Ensenada; Zone R-4~ Agreement No. 1537 4-22-68 Lots r & J- z.A. has considered the request of Parker H. Jackson, owner, Neal Watts, Robert H. Ziegler and Willard Rigley, purch (1) to constr a 3-story bldg with parking & offices on 1st floor and 8 living units on 2nd floor and 3rd floor; bldg to obs at closest point a 5 1-6 11 street side yd where 10' is req for res bldgs, and obs a 13 1-6 11 front yard where 15' is req, resulting in 681, cov where 6rfl, is permitted;(2) providing 4 off-street parking spaces in front obs a O' front yd where 15' is req in 800 blk San Fernando Pl betw Mission Blvd. and Bayside Lane, Zone C; and has (1) APPROVED with tne exception of the 6&1, coverage, which was DENIED but APPROVED for 64i; (2) APPROVED- subject to cond'l. C-10430 5-l-71 Lot E- The Z,A, considered the request of Thomas C, & Judith A. Vandru:f'f' to constr 81-6 11 x 20'-l" deck addn to exist three unit, nonconf'ormimC apartment building; deck addn to obs l' front yard & 3' int side yard where 15' front yard and 41 int side yard are req, exist bldg covers 57'1, of' lot and addn will result in 64i cov where max 4~ is perm and additions to nonconforming uses are allowed only by variance, at 821 San Fernando Place betw Mission Blvd a~ Bayside Lane, Zone cs, and has DENIED as req but APPROVED constr of 6 1 x 20'-l" deck addn; addn to obs 2'-6 11 front yard and 3' int side yard where 15' front yard and 4' int side yard are req.and to result in approx 62,31, lot cov. Cond'l. c-12690 7-11-74