Mission Beach Block 6 Card 2
MISSION BEACH BLOCK 6 CARD 2.tif,... ~,-.-- - .-.'- MISSION- BEACH BLOCK 6 OOl(cof.S r.ARD,,., Lot C- Permit DENIED to JAY &a PATRICIA HARTIN to (1) constr. second dwell. unit above exist. garage which obs. 91 side yd. & 91 rear yd; addn. also to obs. 0 1 side yd. & 9' rear yd. where 3' side & 15' rear yds. are req. and where a single fam. dwell. only is perm. on a 2400 sq. ft. lot in the R-2 Zone (54% coverage permitted by Res. 4451); & (2) erect 44 1 on E. P. L. & 65 1 on W. P. L. (109) an 8 1 high wood fence where 6 1 high fence is perm. in req. side yd; at 821 Allerton Ct. betw. Mission Blvd. & Bayside Lane, Zone R-2----------------------------------_--- Case_fl0750______ 9-16:71___ APPEALED ABOVE to Board,- Appeal DENIED and decision of Z,A. be and b.ereby is sustained and affirmed, c-10750 11-5-71 APPEALED /dlQ1E to Counc 11- Appeal APPROVED- Overruled botll Z.A. & Board c-10750 12-16-11 Lot C- Permit to Dwain Kantor & Associates, Inc. to const a second unit addn on top bf an exs sfd: res in approx 56i coverage at 821 Allerton Court, Zone R-2B. 1-13-78. C-14724.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lots M, N and O- Permit to Russell E. & Virgie R. Babcock to construct one, two-story residence on each parcel; (1) to obs a 1" interior side yard on Parcel I; (2) to obs an 8 1 front yard on Parcels I and 3, and a 5' front yard on Parcel 2: (3) to res in 58% lot coverage on Parcel 2; (4) to eliminate portion of req landscaping in front yards due to building encroachment. Located on Mission Blvd. west of Anacapa Court. Zone R-2B. Conditions. C-15342. 9-7-78. ~~~~~~~~W,J-~,,;l,\L~fi~~-el~KALRREBcw~aA~BnM~Ri~w0 ~E~~%~~aR~T~~~si~~tB~~ch-il~nned___ Agree. #3128